Baruch Hashem, we have been able to create a place for kids to come to and be comfortable at - a place to relax with people to talk to and a healthy and safe environment. The boys know that we are always available for them and they have a place to come to. A large part of what we do is we try to make the boys feel successful. I feel that is step one. Once he feels productive, then we can work on some of the other issues in his life. Based on that premise, we created the afternoon study hall program, hiring a teacher to work with the boys to help them graduate high school. I believe that that is crucial for every kid’s self-esteem.
Another place for them to feel success is to get them working! Work forces you to get somewhere everyday at the same time. What many of these boys lack is a sense of structure in their lives. Baruch Hashem, over the years Rabbi Leibovic and Aish Tamid have directed hundreds of boys towards a variety of jobs and we continue to do that. When that boy gets a job, it changes his whole life and attitude. Suddenly, he has purpose and a reason to get up in the morning. We feel that if a boy can get a college education that is obviously our first plan of action. But for many, they are not ready for that type of commitment. For many, an apprenticeship or internship in specific fields where they will learn a trade or skill - even without pay - can change their life.
If you have any entry-level job opportunities or have the ability to train someone, please be in touch with us. I believe there is no greater tzedaka. Hashem should bentch you and help us all through these trying times.
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Gavriel Hershoff
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